Concepts: small-scale projects, experiments, works in progress, ideas in the making
Spring 2021
Haptic Glove
This haptic glove is my concept for a low-cost wearable haptic device. I utilized the ESP8266 development board to control haptic feedback provided by small DC motors placed at the user's fingertips. The device interfaces with Unity through a Bluetooth control package and triggers haptic feedback when the user's hand intersects with 3D content.
A wearable case is in development for the device.
Fall 2020
Developed with Ines Said
HoloTouch is a ubiquitous robotics concept developed by Austin Stanbury and Ines Said at the Digital Worlds Institute. We experimented with applying small robotics in conjunction with an augmented reality headset to achieve "mixed reality"; i.e. enabling users to interact with holographic content that directly impacts the real world
Summer 2020
Anime Portal
Anime Portal is a filter developed in SparkAR which allows users to replace their facial features with manga-style artistic facial features.